Frequently Asked Questions

    • ChaufHER does not knowingly charge you twice for a trip.

      When you book a trip and the driver accepts we ask your bank to check that you have sufficient funds to pay for the trip.
      We then ask your bank to pre-authorise(hold) that amount for us until the trip has taken place to ensure there are funds available to cover the cost of the fare. (Banks do this in different ways so please do check with your bank if you are not sure how this works for you)

      Once the trip has taken place, you the customer is charged and the pre-authorised fare is released. This should happen simmultaneously.

      If you have been charged twice mistakenly, please do not hesitate to get in touch so we can look into and rectify the problem for you.

      WhatsApp +27 66 287 6258 or email

    • All trips to and from an airport incur an additional R30.00 surcharge to your balance. This appears on your invoice as a toll as it is triggered as you enter or leave an airport.

      All other tolls are collected as you pass through the various Toll Gantry's throughtout the country.
      We cannot charge in advance for these as a driver may choose a route for you that does not entail travelling through a Toll Gantry.
      so these toll charges are added to your balance at the end of the trip.

    • If a driver withdraws from your trip and you the rider choose not action your notification to ask the App to look for another driver.
      Please cancel the trip or your bank may take 5-7 working days to release the funds we asked them to hold for the trip.